02Geek HTML5 and JavaScript, TypeScript, React, Flash, ActionScript online School
  1. HTML Training

    1. HTML Training: Getting Started
    2. HTML Training: Getting used to Tags
    3. HTML Training: Designing with Tags
    4. HTML Training: It's about Images
    5. HTML links, iFrames & MetaData
    6. 14 Visual HTML Tags
    7. HTML Definitions and Meanings
    8. Getting Stylish with CSS
    9. Starting to Code with JavaScript
    10. Creating HTML5 Forms
  2. Learning CSS

    1. Defining your first CSS Rules
    2. Playing with CSS Selectors
    3. Adding colors to HTML page
    4. Controlling CSS Elements
    5. Size Manipulating
    6. Element Layout Interaction
    7. Texting the CSS way
    8. Content manipulation
  3. Mastering CSS3

    1. CSS3 Selectors
    2. Mastering CSS3 Colors
  4. Responsive Design

    1. Starting with Media Queries
    2. Moving into Responsive Design
    3. Advanced Responsive Strategies
    4. Media Queries Level 4
    5. Responsive Frameworks
  5. Web Visualizations

    1. CSS3 Visualization techniques
    2. CSS3 Transformations and Animations
    3. Drawing and animating with SVG
    4. HTML5 Canvas
    5. JavaScript and jQuery
  6. Speedy JavaScript

    1. Conditions and Loops
    2. JavaScript 101
    3. Functions and Objects
    4. Moving up to HTML5
    5. Objects and Arrays
    6. JavaScript Summary Project
    7. Object Oriented JavaScript
    8. Using The JavaScript Prototype
    9. OOP with Google Maps
  7. JavaScript

    1. Start Animating in JS
    2. Animating Primitive Data Types
    3. Animating with Functions
    4. Objects and Animation
    5. The Object Object
    6. Arrays and Animation
    7. Conditions
    8. Looping and Animations
  8. Redux

    1. Getting Started with Reducers
    2. Rendering Redux Data with React
    3. Building a Dynamic Board in React
    4. Mastering React State Management
  9. Animation(JS)

    1. Animating Numbers with TweenLite
    2. The CSS Plugin
    3. Building a SlideShow
    4. JavaScript GSAP Plugins
    5. Curving animations
    6. From TweenLite to TweenMax
  10. Fullstack React

    1. Introduction to Full Stack React Development
    2. Setting Up Node.js and NPM
    3. Getting to Know NPM
    4. Node.js
    5. ExpressJS
    6. MongoDB
    7. Connecting the Dots
  11. React Reusable Components

    1. Creating a React JSX Component
    2. Understanding The React Paradigm Shift
    3. Composition Essentials
    4. Reusable Components
    5. Building a Single Page Application
  12. Scalable & High performing

    1. Thinking About Performance
    2. ES6 Performance Enhancements in React
    3. General JavaScript Performance Enhancements
    4. Serverside Rendering React (Isomorphic JavaScript)
    5. Packing Things Up With Webpack
  13. Data Visualization

    1. JSON
    2. From WebServices to Maps
    3. From CSV to a Bar Chart
    4. Creating a React Chart Component for ChartJS
    5. From JSON to MongoDB
  14. React UI

    1. Bootstrapping React: Building the Foundations
    2. Building ES6 React Components
    3. Creating a Jumbotron React Component
    4. SASS
    5. Animating React Components – Advanced Animations with ReactCSSTransitionGroup
  15. Advanced Animation

    1. Tweens as Objects
    2. Tweens in Timelines
    3. Tweens of Timelines
    4. User Generated Timelines
    5. TimelineMax
  16. JavaScript Design Patterns

    1. My First Design Patterns
    2. Creational design patterns
    3. Structural design patterns (Part 1)
    4. Structural design patterns (Part 2)
    5. Behavioral design patterns
  17. HTML5

    1. Everything XML
    2. Moving up to HTML5
    3. HTML5 Video Training
    4. HTML5 Media API
    5. HTML5 Web Storage
    6. HTML5 Location & History
  18. HTML5 Canvas

    1. Getting Started with HTML5 Canvas
    2. Creating Shapes using Paths
    3. Drawing with Angles
    4. From Curves to gradients
    5. Manipulating HTML5 canvas
  19. LAMP Training

    1. Setting a Linux Cloud Server
    2. Securing a Linux Server
    3. Configuring an Appache Server
    4. Setting up and Securing mySQL & PHP
  20. Email Marketing

    1. Email Marketing: List Buliding
    2. Email Marketing: Building Campaigns
    3. From Tracking & Engaging to Profits
    4. Automating Email Marketing Profits
  21. SEO Training

    1. SEO Made Easy : The Idea
    2. HTML for SEO
    3. The Mandatory Tools for SEO
    4. Website Developer Plugin
    5. The FireBug Plugin
    6. Working with WebSite Auditor
    7. WebSite Auditor Page Reports
    8. Designing for SEO