Join me as I teach my mom HTML.
Join me as I teach my mom HTML. In this session we continue and explore new HTML Tags.
Breaking into HTML5 with my mom. In this session Learn about some of the new HTML Tags and explore many other tags.
Breaking into HTML5 with my mom. In this session Learn about some of the new HTML Tags and explore many other tags.
In part 5 of our getting started with HTML we are going to learn how to create links and how to work with iFrames. By the end of this session you will know all you need to know about both topics to get rolling.
he tags we will learn in this session are: sub, sup, small, s, del, ins, q, cite, blockquote, code, var, samp, kbd and last but not least the pre tag.
In Section 7 of our HTML training with mom we will learn about the tags: abbr,dfn, dl,dd,dt,bdo, base and em.
We will take our first steps away from pure HTML and we will take a first look into CSS and how to change visual things on our web site.
In this session we will take our first view into programing using JavaScript.
HTML forms contain fields that enable you to gather information from users. There are many form fields and some of them have been updated in HTML5.