HTML Training: Designing with Tags
Duration: 23:35

Created with

Ben Fhala
Ben Fhala is the creative force and founder behind 02geek, a pioneering platform dedicated to making web development accessible to everyone. With over 18 years of experience in the industry, Ben has a deep passion for teaching and a knack for breaking down complex concepts into easy-to-understand lessons.
HTML Training: Designing with Tags Overview
What you'll learn
Learning HTML shouldn't be as hard as you might think it is... All you need is the right teacher and the right environment. Forget about the books and scathing your head searching online for answers to questions you don't even know how to ask yet. Join Ben's mom as he teaches her HTML. This is the easiest way into programing ever. This course isn't designed as a quick getting started course but designed as a easy intro into the world of programing. 02GEEK as Ben our lead instructor grabs his mom and teaches her live in-front of your eyes how to work in HTML. IF your totally new start from the first course in the cluster by visiting our HTML Training Category Page.
In this third session we crack into HTML5. We learn how to define our pages as HTML5 pages. WE understand that tags have a meaning there not design elements but they have real meaning behind them. By the end of this session you will be very comfy working with the DOCTYPE, B and String Tags, the I and U tags, and Creating Lists using the UL,OL and IL Tags.
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Learning alone is hard so instead learn with my mom HTML Tags.
Defining HTML5 Pages - DOCTYPE
A brief history of HTML. By the end of this video you will get the basics of how html works and know how to work with the DOCTYPE.
Should you use the B or STRONG Tags
while the strong tag represents the essence of the page - the most important content in it.
Using the I Tag
The i tag enables you to italicize elements in your HTML5 documents.
Creating Ordered and unordered lists
There are two types of lists ordered lists and unordered lists. They work in a very similar way.
Adding an Underline to Copy in HTML
This time around we will look at the HTML U tag.
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