02Geek HTML5 and JavaScript, TypeScript, React, Flash, ActionScript online School
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Starting Point Overview

<p>This hour will cover getting started by: </p> <ul> <li>Knowing your Flash Environment (Property panel, toolbar, timeline) comparing different versions of Flash.</li> <li> The files we will be working with: source, deploy and the differences between them</li> <li> Publishing: the basic core foundations of how to publish, what is publishing, the files created during publishing</li> <li> The Output Panel: Important throughout the next 11 hours, so we will look at what it is, how to work with it</li> <li> Trouble-shooting: How to understand when things go wrong</li> <li> What is OOP? OOP vs. Timeline: OOP = Object-Oriented Programming. In these first 11 hours we won't be programming this way, but it will make it easier to understand when we do. You can work either in OOP or the Timeline: we'll show you both variations. </li> <li> Sample files and resources: We talk briefly about the importance of taking the exams, which helps you discover what you need to watch and why. </li> </ul> <p>This is the &quot;Starting Point&quot;: where all the fun begins!</p>

Developer Basics Overview

Pro or new, this course is for you. Our custom exams speed learning by filtering exams: zero to geek in no time! Always wanted to learn Flash? Take this free thorough 02geek tutorial, join the fun.


Starting Point Overview

In this overview we talk about what you get out of the next hour of this course: Know the Flash Environment, Files & Publishing, Output & Troubleshooting, OOP vs. Timeline, Sample files and resources.


File Types

Learn to code the right way, beginning with the different file types that are important to know about Flash: exactly what .as and .swf files are.


Where Is It?

The difference between CS5 and Cs3 layouts: Cs4 and Cs5 as well. . This Flash tutorial is the perfect starting point for those of you that have never used Flash before.



Looking at our Cs5 workspace working area. Also, Cs4 and Cs3: how to use Flash As3 so we're on the same page.


Runtime vs. Compiler Errors

What is the difference between runtime and compiler errors? What are runtime errors and when do they happen? What are compile time errors?


Overall Things To Know

What are the things needed to know about Flash? Flash is a time-based programming language, which means it compiles, (unlike Javascript). Educate yourself with the basics of coding and learn how to bu


The Properties Panel

In this session we meet the properties panel and see how it's dynamic and flexible. By the end of this session you will know all you need to know to roll in it.


Publish Settings

The Flash Publish settings in action. In this session we get to learn the basics of the publish settings and how to work with it.


Split Paths

Hint Hint we want you to pick OOP. in this intro we will explain why its important to go the transition into OOP way of coding.


Split Paths : OOP

In this video, we take a step further into our object orientated programming world.


Split Paths : Timeline Coding

In this title we outline the options you have as a developer and help you understand why it would be a good idea to move to OOP


How To Use Samples

We walk through the source files of our Flash ActionScript project


Building It Up From Scratch

In this video we redo our work and build together a class and connect it to our flash interface.
