02Geek HTML5 and JavaScript, TypeScript, React, Flash, ActionScript online School
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Creating a typewriter effect

So far we were playing with functions as standalone elements. In this lecture, we'll create our first reusable animation. By the end of this lesson we will have a typewriting effect. Through this we will learn how to leverage TweenLite to create custom animations.


In this chapter we'll reintroduce ourselves to animation and explore the core features of the GSAP tween Library.


Setting up our source files

In this lecture we will set up our first source files starter file. In the process will see how to integrate external source files, at our own script, in an external script that is ours.


Choosing how to import GSAP

The GSAP animation library contains many source files and this lecture we will make sense out of them. By the end of this lesson you will be familiar with the file structure of the GSAP animation Libr


Animating from here to there

getting introduced to the three most important functions in the GSAP library: TweenLite.to,TweenLite.from and TweenLite.fromTo.


Creating a typewriter effect

In this lecture we create our first reusable animation. By the end of this lesson we will have a typewriting effect.


Reusing the typewriter effect

Coding is about creating reusable elements. Recording isn't about solving a specific problem as much as it's about creating solutions that could be reused.


Delaying animations

Delays enable us to sequencer animations and control our animations to create animations that make sense.


The easy way to give animations personality

If you don't change the default ease your animations are bound to have the same taste.
