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The 7 Basic Steps of SEO you want to know.

<p>Search engines think like computers while users think like, well you guessed it, like humans. Although Google and other search engines work really hard on figuring out a way to tap into the human mind they still fall short at the power of how we actually think.</p> <p>I know many other resources will bloat to you how smart Search engines are but really they are dumb extremely dumb. As the years go by search engines are getting more complex to catch up with all the %u201Cbad apples%u201D that try to promote content that doesn't really make users happy. As search engines bloat so does there capability to really monitor content weakens as they have so many layers of %u201Cprotection%u201D that where added thorough the years to improve the results that users want. </p> <p>Search engines rely heavily on users and the good news is that you do as well. Instead of having a razor sharp focus on the search engine we can use the insight coming from search engines to understand what users really want. Our course will challenge the way you think about SEO even if you are an SEO expert. If you find the right balance between leveraging search engine wisdom while still staying loyal to your users base you will do wonders online. </p>

Getting Started with SEO Tutorial

In this ground breaking, Sward winning SEO course that has been taken by over 10,000 students. In it we will walk you through how to think like a search engine while keeping top of mind your users.


The 7 Basic Steps of SEO you want to know.

SEO is about planing but at the same time not forgetting the real end users and it's not google it's your users. It doesn't mater if you have a lot of traffic on your site if no one actually finds val


The Objective of our course

While many courses echo a lot of fancy words we figured they don't really help anyone so instead our focus is on hands on practice.


What are we going to Promote?

To get into the right mind set take a moment to review our Video promo of the course that is going to be our main focus. Don%u2019t' worry you don't need to memorize anything.


How the wrong HTML can break your SEO before it started

The first thing a user interacts with on any site is the HTML code and that is true even more so with search engines.


Picking the right Domain name

The first thing a user interacts with on any site is the HTML code and that is true even more so with search engines.


Picking the right Domain name

While we are still in our Domain configuration I wanted to take a moment away from SEO to talk about domain redirecting. In case you have already setup a redirect of a domain or want to do that with y


Picking the right Domain name

Throughout our course we are going to need to upload files onto the server. To make things easier for all lets have a quick chat about FTP and how to work with it.


Uploading Files onto a server

Next I wanted to talk briefly about how to upload files onto our server and get our new site up and live.
