Alternatives to Away3D
What is Away3D? Why Away3D? How to set up for it? quick look at some code, look at an application. Away3D is a 3D engine for Flash. Originally a branch of Papervision. Its game oriented but not exclusively. Version 4.0 is technically in Alpha but pretty solid one(at recording date). The away 3d picked up paper vision and redeveloped it. it was redeveloped to use Stage3D in version 4.0 and actually the learning curbe is easier and the frame work is more robust. Taking a peak at alternatives(Alternativa, Sandy, Yogurt, Flare3D, Papervision).
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In the following hour James will cover the key consepts to get you started working with Away3D in flash. In this video we get to know who he as he jump starts his session.
Alternatives to Away3D
Explore the ins and outs of the tools avilable to developf or 3d in flash.
Stage3D in action , what is it and how does it work
Setting up Flash Builder
the steps needed to get your flas builder to output for flash player 11.
Away3D Basics
The basics of Away3D The View or viewport is a window into the 3D space
How it works
last part before we view a working sample start to scratch to build a simple 3d project in away3d 4
Basic Sample
check a simple example code line by line of how to create away3d 4.0 projects.
Real World Sample
a real world example of a project created win away3d 4