This is a live recording of our event on 04/10 where we cover the concepts of operators and their importance in programing and go over animation foundations in flash.
So you want to create mobile applications? This session will walk you through the ins and outs of creating graphics for mobile.
An open mic session with Alan Klement, Chris Griffith, James Wagstaff, John Barrett and myself.
New to mobile development? Wondering how mobile applications are built? This presentation will walk you the entire development process of the AIR for mobile application.
In this hour Alan Klement will explore the features of FDT 5 and explain to us what HaXe is and why we should check it out.
In the following hour James Wagstaff will get you started with Away3D using Stage3D. In this video we get to know who he is as he jump starts his session.
Get Started Animating with GSAP Tween Library. In this hour session learn the basics of animation with the TweenNano, TweenLight and TweenMax Librarys.