02Geek HTML5 and JavaScript, TypeScript, React, Flash, ActionScript online School
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Overview of the A-Z Report

The A-Z report is my favorite report and it helps us see in depth the page we want to improve with detailed information on what we should update on our page. In this session we explore the basic ideas behind the web page report and see the value behind it.

Picking the Right Keyword for our page

Keywords are at the heart of webpages. In this first lesson on pages we figure out together the keyword that we will use for our web page.


Exploring the top 10 results

Now that we choose the keyword we want to work with I want to take a break from actually building the content but instead lets turn into google and type in that keyword. We want to do this to really u


The A-Z Report

The A-Z report is my favorite report and it helps us see in depth the page we want to improve with detailed information on what we should update on our page.


Overview of the A-Z Report

In this session we explore the basic ideas behind the web page report and see the value behind it.


Fixing our page Title

In this segment we improve our title of our page making it more SEO ready.


Fixing our page Meta Description

In this segment we improve our Meta Description of our page making it more SEO ready.


Fixing our page Meta Keyword

In this segment we improve our Meta Keyword of our page making it more SEO ready.


Fixing our page Image ALT text

In this segment we improve our Image ALT text of our page making it more SEO ready.


Fixing our page Links

In this segment we improve our Links of our page making it more SEO ready.


Fixing our page Headlines

In this segment we improve our Headlines of our page making it more SEO ready.


Fixing our page Headlines Continued

In this segment we continue to improve our Headlines of our page making it more SEO ready.


Wrapping up this segment with a tesk

Wrapping up this segment with a tesk
