02Geek HTML5 and JavaScript, TypeScript, React, Flash, ActionScript online School
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JavaScript Scope

<p>As promised in the last bio lets talk scope. We will talk a lot about scope and until you feel very confidante with scope in JavaScript you will not be comfortable as a Object oriented JavaScript Developer. One of the most critical key things you want to know really well is what scope is and how it works in general. So far we worked in an OOP world but so far we didn't own any of the objects and as such we didn't focus to much on scope. Now that we are moving deeper into OOP as we are creating our own objects we need to understand how scope works within objects. By the end of this session you will have a much more clear understanding of what scope is and how to solve issues when you loss you scope.</p>

Object Oriented JavaScript Set up (HTML/CSS)

Setting up and getting ready before we start building a google map and learn how to work with JS OOP


Google Maps JavaScript API V3 Access

A short video showing step by step how to create an API key with google Maps


Using the JavaScript Console.log

Learn how to work with the Console.log and get the info from your browser


Creating a Google Map

All the steps to create a google map with indepth review.


Styling Google Maps

In this session we will learn the three steps involved in styling Google Maps


Creating a JavaScript Constructor

What is a constructor and how does it work? learn how to create your own custom objects.


JavaScript Scope

In this session we spend some time to talk about scope.
