02Geek HTML5 and JavaScript, TypeScript, React, Flash, ActionScript online School
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Creating a JavaScript Constructor

<p>Yes its time. Now that we created and worked with a few objects its time for us to know how to create our own objects. Constructors in JavaScript are very simple if you know what a function is then you know how to create a constructor. Now that you know its easy to create lets now talk about how to turn functions into constructors. Every function can be a constructor its that simple. Only when we actually trigger the function does javascript actually define it as that. The step involved is by calling the 'new' key. By the end of this session you will know how to create a constructor, you will know how to build objects based on this constructor and define them as a variable.</p> <p>We start talking about 'this' and what it actually means. The this is not a static value it always returns to us what we are when we are in it. And as such when we call the this operator depending on where we are in our code we will get a different value returned. The nearest object we are in is always returns to us. Although we don't talk about it much at this stage pay a lot of attention to the key word this as it will help you a lot through out the course as we start in later sessions about scope.</p>

Object Oriented JavaScript Set up (HTML/CSS)

Setting up and getting ready before we start building a google map and learn how to work with JS OOP


Google Maps JavaScript API V3 Access

A short video showing step by step how to create an API key with google Maps


Using the JavaScript Console.log

Learn how to work with the Console.log and get the info from your browser


Creating a Google Map

All the steps to create a google map with indepth review.


Styling Google Maps

In this session we will learn the three steps involved in styling Google Maps


Creating a JavaScript Constructor

What is a constructor and how does it work? learn how to create your own custom objects.


JavaScript Scope

In this session we spend some time to talk about scope.
