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Working with Events in React

In this tutorial, we dive into handling events in React, focusing on key concepts such as event binding, managing scope with ES6 features, and preparing for state management.

1. Setting Up an Event Handler

To handle a button click, we created an onClick method in the App component:

class App extends React.Component {
    onClick(event) {
        console.log("Hello, world!");

    render() {
        return <button onClick={this.onClick}>Click Me</button>;

2. The Problem with this in Event Handlers

By default, the value of this inside the onClick method does not refer to the component instance. This happens because JavaScript's this is dynamic and changes based on how the function is called.

3. Using a Constructor to Bind this

To ensure this refers to the component instance, we bind the method in the constructor:

constructor(props) {
    this.onClick = this.onClick.bind(this);

This guarantees that this always points to the component, even when the method is used as an event handler.

4. Explanation of the Constructor and super

  • The constructor initializes the component instance.
  • super(props) passes the props to the parent class (React.Component) and sets up the React component lifecycle.
  • Binding the onClick method in the constructor ensures it retains the correct this reference.

5. Using ES6 Arrow Functions for Simplicity

An alternative to binding in the constructor is to use an arrow function, which automatically binds this:

class App extends React.Component {
    onClick = (event) => {
        console.log("Hello, world!");

    render() {
        return <button onClick={this.onClick}>Click Me</button>;

Key Takeaways

  1. Event Handling: React makes it simple to add event listeners via JSX attributes like onClick.
  2. Scope Management: Use bind in the constructor or ES6 arrow functions to avoid scope issues with this.
  3. Preparation for State: Events are essential for interacting with and updating a component’s state, which will be explored in the next lesson.

This tutorial established a foundation for handling events in React. In the next session, we’ll explore React state and learn how events can dynamically update the UI.

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