02Geek HTML5 and JavaScript, TypeScript, React, Flash, ActionScript online School
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SelectBoxes aka ComboBoxes

Want to create a combobox in html? Gret. What Is it you ask? Comboboxs enables you to provide your users with a slectable list of options to pick from. For example: 'states' instead of the user needing to type the state.

Creating HTML5 Forms Intro


Creating HTML5 Forms: Input

The first step in creating a form is enabling the users to add information into our page Leading us into our first two input tags the 'text' and the 'password' tags.


Creating HTML5 Forms: Labels

Once you created an input tags it's always a great idea to add to it a label. Why? Labels help visually imparted users see and they help search engines get what's going on as well.


Adding a Submit Button

At this stage we created a form input field and are ready to add a submit button to our form.


Sending our Form out

Creating tags is fun but it's pointless unless we have some use for it. In this video we will introduce the form tag and see it in action.


Adding Buttons to a Form

Sometimes you need more then one button in your form. It's easy we will use the button tag. Let's see it in action.


Form building Practice

In the last 5 lessons we explored forms and learned how to create them and even post them. It's a lot of content. Let's go over it one more time quickly.


Integrate a textarea to your form

Time to explore new HTML tags that are going to be very handy when creating a form.


Exploring into TextArea Attributes

The text area element has some personal attirubtes that are very handly. In this lesson we will take a deeper look into the textarea attributes.


Global Attributes: placeholder and required

All forms in HTML have global attributes that are used to control them from default place holder text(new to HTML5) through the capabilituy of disabling them.


SelectBoxes aka ComboBoxes

Want to create a combobox in html? Gret. What Is it you ask? Comboboxs enables you to provide your users with a slectable list of options to pick from.


ComboBox Options

Let's custemize our combobox to be more personal.


Grouping Combo Elements with optgroup

When your combo list is really long you might want to group it into smaller subsections to do that we will use the optgroup.


Disable form fields

You have the power to disable anything in HTML. What a rush. Let's see it in action.


The fieldset and legend tags

When creating a form you can use the fieldset to group elements inside of your form together- you can even disable everything in that group with one attribute added into the group.


Creating Radio and CheckBoxes

We are getting close to the end of this course but before we do in this lesson we will explore two new input types the radio button and the checkbox.


The last property: autofocus

We are just about done but I wanted to talk about one more global attribute autofocus. This attribute will enable you to default set a focus to one of your input fields.
