02Geek HTML5 and JavaScript, TypeScript, React, Flash, ActionScript online School
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One final FireBug Tip

When you install FireBug it enables you more quickly and easily to edit your CSS live on the site before you make the update directly to your site. Use it, it's fun and very useful.

Getting Stylish with CSS: Intro

This session is all about Style. By the end of it the scary words CSS will actually have a meaning.


Getting Stylish with CSS: The Style Tag

Until now we worked only with pure HTML in this session we will take our first step into the world of styles.


Getting Stylish with CSS: Pixels vs. Points

Picking the right color for your website and the differences between Pixels and other measurement units. With some more live Styling updates to our web page.


Inline CSS Styles

Until now all of our styling was done globally to the whole page or every single tag. In this section of our session we will look at how to add specifically to a tag some styling using the style attri


Moving CSS Styles to External Files

Learn how to export our CSS into an external file. In general it's a great idea to put your CSS in an external file so you can share it with other pages.


What is the DIV tag and how ot use it

The div tag on it's own doesn't have a meaning. All the DIV is is a grouping of a complete group of elements.


The differences between DIV and SPAN tags

The DIV and SPAN tags are very similar but they have a different meaning. While the DIV tag is used to group elements together as a whole, the span is used as a way to just mark without meaning.


One final FireBug Tip

When you install FireBug it enables you more quickly and easily to edit your CSS live on the site before you make the update directly to your site. Use it, it's fun and very useful.
