02Geek HTML5 and JavaScript, TypeScript, React, Flash, ActionScript online School
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What will we learn in this session

What will we learn in this session? This session is all about iframes, links and meta tags. By the end of it you will know everything you need/want to know about them and more.

What will we learn in this session

What will we learn in this session? This session is all about iframes, links and meta tags. By the end of it you will know everything you need/want to know about them and more.


Creating an iframe

By the end of this video you will know how to embed other sites into your own site. iframes enable developers to integrate other html pages directly into html pages, how cool is that ?


Creating our first Link with the a Tag

It's about time we learn how to create links. By the end of this video you will know how to work with the a tag and settings its href property.


How to open an link in a new tab or window?

In this video we will learn all you need to know about opening up html links into new windows or tabs with the help of : target _blank.


Learning how tow work with HTML a tag target options

There are a few options we have when we create a link regarding where the target will open up: _blank, _self, _ parent, _top and even custom names - by the end of this video you will know all that you


Why is it important to set your rel type in html?

How do we tell search engines the value of a link. What if the link has no value to us and we don't want search engines taking our "juice" away - in this video we will learn all about that and more.


How and why you should set your meta data in html?

In this video we will learn all you need to know about the meta data and why you want to work with it.
