02Geek HTML5 and JavaScript, TypeScript, React, Flash, ActionScript online School
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Call and Apply

<p>Functions are objects. There probably the most primitive type in JavaScript. To show case this we will create an example working with scope. Don't worry yet if you still are having issues with understanding scope. Its one of these core features of a language that just suddenly click and when it does it all sits in place. We will delve more deeply in this course into the hearts of all programing languages – the scope and knowing always where you are or part of what object you are. By the end of the first session you will have a basic understanding of how scope works and how its important to always asses where you are.</p> <p>As every function is actually on its own a type of object we can trigger two advanced functions called 'call' and 'apply'. Both functions are used to control and change the scope of the function. To understand what that means we first will understand what scope is and then we will see it in action in both these function object methods. </p>

Call and Apply

Functions are objects. There probably the most primitive type in JavaScript. To show case this we will create an example working with scope.


Creating And Working with Methods

A method is a function that is owned by an object. We will create our method and now it is available to all instances of the object type we added this prototype.


Creating and Working with Properties

Functions are objects. There probably the most primitive type in JavaScript. To show case this we will create an example working with scope.


Adding methods to built in Objects

How do JavaScript prototypes work? Lets see them in action by showing you how you can add prototype methods by adding new methods to built in objects such as the Array object.



Extending the Built in JavaScript Objects using inheritance and the prototype.
