02Geek HTML5 and JavaScript, TypeScript, React, Flash, ActionScript online School

Using The JavaScript Prototype

Take a deeper dive into the unique way JavaScript Objects work. Lets pull off the hood to discover the Prototype and chains that create all JavaScript Objects.



Created with

Ben Fhala

Ben Fhala

Ben Fhala is the creative force and founder behind 02geek, a pioneering platform dedicated to making web development accessible to everyone. With over 18 years of experience in the industry, Ben has a deep passion for teaching and a knack for breaking down complex concepts into easy-to-understand lessons.

Using The JavaScript Prototype Overview

What you'll learn

Let's Take a deeper dive into the unique way JavaScript Objects work. Lets pull off the hood to discover the Prototype and chains that create all JavaScript Objects. This Session will be dedicated to learning the most important concept in JavaScript OOP.

This is our second hour of our JavaScript OOP sessions. In the first hour we dabbled in our initial interactions with Objects in Javascript. In the second hour we will sharpen our focus and take a deeper look at the unique way JavaScript objects are built. JavaScript objects are based on the prototype chain. If you have a background in OOP it would be a good idea to forget about it as it might make it harder to actually get it. The JavaScript prototype is really simple as long as you don't compare it to other programing languages and how they do it.

Call and Apply

Functions are objects. There probably the most primitive type in JavaScript. To show case this we will create an example working with scope.


Creating And Working with Methods

A method is a function that is owned by an object. We will create our method and now it is available to all instances of the object type we added this prototype.


Creating and Working with Properties

Functions are objects. There probably the most primitive type in JavaScript. To show case this we will create an example working with scope.


Adding methods to built in Objects

How do JavaScript prototypes work? Lets see them in action by showing you how you can add prototype methods by adding new methods to built in objects such as the Array object.



Extending the Built in JavaScript Objects using inheritance and the prototype.
