02Geek HTML5 and JavaScript, TypeScript, React, Flash, ActionScript online School
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if in deatil

Welcome back to our forth hour of the JavaScript basics. if you have a background in any programing language you will feel really comfortable really quickly. we are in our forth hour and as such we covered many of the core topics needed to understand in JavaScript from variable types, functions , objects and arrays through most of the core concepts needed to be covered in a basics title. With it there are few topics we need to dig a bit deeper into such as conditions more known as conditionals. In this section we will explore more in depth the way if statements work with there various configurations.

For Loop

loops in general is a way for use to repetitively repeat a chunk of code more then one time. we bind that for loop and give it the amount of times we would like to duplicate the code.


if in deatil

This is the start of our forth hour of training. at this stage we are ready to learn how to JavaScript conditionals. Conditionals are a core element of any programing language.



I just wanted to tie this topic up as its really important to understand these operators in javascript to become a true javascript developer.



We are done talking about operators and if statements its time for us to explore switches. Learn how to work with switches in javascript


Ternary and OR

a ternary operators is simply a consolidated if else statement condensed.


For In

the for-in loop enables use to loop through objects without the need to index the elements and monitor our loop.
