02Geek HTML5 and JavaScript, TypeScript, React, Flash, ActionScript online School
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Drawing with Canvas

Time for us to take our newly learned skills and implement them on an internal JavaScript interface. This chapter is dedicated to canvas.

Variables Summery

Learn how to create JavaScript variables and functions step by step.


Calling Functions

What are Javascript functions and how to work with them. discover this and more in our online javascript video training.


Creating Functions

learn how to create functions in javascript in a step by step by example way of learning in our video training.


Function Return

learn how to create fucntions in javascript and return the functions result


Function Parameters

learn how to create fucntions in javascript and send into them parameters


onLoad Event

if applications had no interactions we wouldn't need events in this sample we see our first event in action


Drawing with Canvas

We explore a few features of the canvas API while we practice our new function skills.


Creating The Date Object

Creating our first javascript object with a real case example


if and else

learn how to create conditions in javascript step by step


Interacting with the DOM

we will use the javascript docment.getElementByID to get elements and then edit them via code.


Nested if conditions

Learn how to create nested if statements in a real live site example using javascript and html5
