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Access Modifiers

In our last video we created our first object in this one we explore the idea of hiding some of the information in the object. the idea behind it is if we have many objects that can interact with each other we really want to control what can be accessed and what can not. our current problem is we have a "cat" object that has many functions/methods but we really don't want others to have a way to call these functions such as internal operation functions. we talk a bit about the impotence of hiding information that others shouldn't know about.

Getting Started With OOP

Learn the core ideas of oop in a visual fun way. Instead of breaking your head dealing with it in code lets take a step out and understand the why.


Spaghetti Code

Learn why Spaghetti code is actually harder then OOP coding.



learning how to figure out what functions should be part of what objects. an OOP session.


Access Modifiers

Understand the importance of access modifiers in oop and why you should use them all the time.


OOP Classes

learn why OOP uses classes. Instead of doing it without understanding why lets take a step back and understand why they are used to make it easier then when you create them.


Why Use Private Access Modifiers

You already know about access modifiers but you don't understand why you use them or why to use them at all. in this video we explore there importance.


Are Classes Visual

are classes a visual thing? can then be non visual? in this video we explore these questions and more.



learn what inheritance is in OOP programing and why we use it.



LEarn what Encapsulation is in this OOP video title. we explore what it is how its used and more importantly why its used.


Static Classes

Static classes aren't used to create objects and instead are directly accessed through the class


OOP Design Patterns

When should i start learning about Design Patterns what patterns should i always use what should ignore?
