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Modifying XML

<p>Having a repository of information is important; updating it frequently after additions and deletions is even more so. This applies not only to repositories like databases, but also configuration data and structured information units that are maintained as XML documents. For server-side updates of information, <a href="/courses/video/47/395/Loading-XML-in-PHP.html">PHP</a> provides an <a href="/course/indispensable-as3/graphics-api.html">API</a> to do the same for XML documents. A real-world example that follows will help in getting a good idea of this concept.</p> <p>Consider the following scenario: every day a few thousand babies are born in the USA. Since babies born in this country are automatically citizens by birth, a lot of information (birth certificates, Social Security information etc.) needs to be created and maintained at several levels, starting with the database in the city of birth. The records for babies born in NYC, for example, are created on a daily basis. One such document would look like:</p> <p>&lt;?xml version=&quot;1.0&quot; encoding=&quot;UTF-8&quot; ?&gt; </p> <p>&lt;daily-births city=&quot;NYC&quot; date=&quot;11-29-2012&quot;&gt; </p> <p>&lt;baby&gt; </p> <p>&lt;time&gt;00:00:12&lt;/time&gt; </p> <p>&lt;name&gt;Sandy&lt;/name&gt; </p> <p>&lt;sex&gt;F&lt;/sex&gt; </p> <p>&lt;/baby&gt; </p> <p>&lt;baby&gt; </p> <p>&lt;time&gt;00:00:21&lt;/time&gt; </p> <p>&lt;name&gt;Chris&lt;/name&gt; </p> <p>&lt;sex&gt;M&lt;/sex&gt; </p> <p>&lt;/baby&gt; </p> <p>...</p> <p>&lt;/daily-births&gt; </p> <p>Now suppose that new entries need to be added to this XML document whenever a new baby is born. We could write a PHP script to do just that! </p> <p>&lt;? $xml = simplexml_load_file(&quot;newborns.xml&quot;); </p> <p>$baby = $xml-&gt;addChild('baby'); </p> <p>$time = $baby-&gt;addChild('time', &quot;00:00:12&quot;); </p> <p>$name = $baby-&gt;addChild('name', &quot;Cindy&quot;); </p> <p>$sex = $baby-&gt;addChild('sex', &quot;F&quot;); </p> <p>echo $xml-&gt;asXML();</p> <p>?&gt; </p> <p>The above piece of code is very intuitive and simple to visualize. Note that we have indented the code statements so that it resembles the <a href="/courses/video/47/367/Nesting-Elements.html ">nesting</a> of elements in the XML document that we are accessing. Kind of makes it more readable, don't you think? </p> <p>It is also possible to update current information with new values for element attributes and content. For example, suppose that after a baby named Sandy was born, her parents decided to rename her (as the father insisted she be named after his mother!) Suppose they decided to call her Heloise. PHP code to perform this update would look like: </p> <p>&lt;? </p> <p>$xml = simplexml_load_file(&quot;newborns.xml&quot;); </p> <p>$xml-&gt;baby[2]-&gt;name = &quot;Heloise&quot;; </p> <p>echo $xml-&gt;asXML();</p> <p>?&gt; </p> <p>Voila! It's really simple, isn't it? PHP code is very readable, so don't be surprised if you feel at home immediately. With this video, we come to the end of this course on the XML standard, manipulating XML documents and processing them in server- and client-side applications. Hope you had a good time; we definitely did!</p>

Overview and Context of XML

We will learn about the historical perspective and overview of the XML standard. The main focus is on Information organization and cross platform usage


XML Elements

The first step in learning about how XML documents are structured is to get familiar with elements, the basic components of an XML document.


XML Nested Elements

Nested elements allow for complex data to be represented effortlessly in an XML document.



Attribute-value pairs are an alternative to nesting of elements in an XML document. We'll see the pros and cons of this feature


More Then Just Leftovers

Comments, White-space, Special characters, Version Information and Parser by-passing content; we discuss what these constructs are and how to use them effectively


XML Validation

XML documents should be well formed structure- and content-wise for applications to be configured and behave properly. We discuss an analogy with a real life scenario to highlight the point


E4X – ActionScript 3.0

We describe the importance and beneficial features of E4X library, and why it should be used in browsers at the earliest



An XML document is often pictured as an inverted nodes (elements) tree and connected nodes have a relation between them. DOM allows the program to traverse and retrieve these related nodes.



We describe the basic syntax of Javascript to load XML documents in client-side applications


Looping XML

We describe the looping constructs of PHP scripting language and how they can be used to parse and render XML information in client software


XML as a Remote

We describe the utility of XML for the modern web, especially when there's a plethora of programming languages and platforms and how XML builds several bridges


Loading XML in PHP

We describe how to load XML documents into server side applications in the PHP scripting language


Elements and Attributes in PHP

We describe how to access elements and attribute values while processing XML content via PHP scripts in server-side software



We describe the foreach looping construct in PHP and also how it can be used to process XML documents in server-side software


PHP XML compare

We describe how to compare XML document components and content in different documents having the same syntax


Modifying XML

We describe how to modify the content of XML documents in PHP : insertion/deletion/update operations in server-side applications
