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XML as a Remote

<p>One of the biggest advantages of <a href="/courses/video/47/365/XML-Overview-and-Context.html">XML</a> use as a standard for information and configuration data units is the property of interoperability and portability of applications. The boundaries of language, platform and geographical disparities can easily be overcome by using international standards for software and hardware design.</p> <p>Being a standard is not only a cool thing to say. An old standard like XML is so powerful mainly because XML doesn't depend on a language. While you might need to rebuild an application you can still use the same xml structure to access information. The separation of your data into a format that is standardized means that you can build your site off the same xml data feed as your RSS feeds, build an Iphone, <a href="/flashtent11/air-for-android.html">Android</a> or another application without needing to recreate your data. All you need to do is access the same data and parse the information to be used in each application separately. One of XML's major strengths is the level of support it has in most modern languages.</p> <p>This is exactly the role played by XML, when it comes to client-server software interactions. Client software such as a browser makes a request and sends information in XML format to the server program, which responds and provides information as a service, also in XML format. The client could be written in Python and the server in Java, but they can be connected to perform a task. They do not directly make <a href="/courses/video/10/77/Functions-vs-Methods.html">method</a> calls to invoke software functionality, which is not practically feasible. Instead, they maintain message boxes, and deposit and withdraw XML messages to and from these boxes, figuratively speaking!</p>

Overview and Context of XML

We will learn about the historical perspective and overview of the XML standard. The main focus is on Information organization and cross platform usage


XML Elements

The first step in learning about how XML documents are structured is to get familiar with elements, the basic components of an XML document.


XML Nested Elements

Nested elements allow for complex data to be represented effortlessly in an XML document.



Attribute-value pairs are an alternative to nesting of elements in an XML document. We'll see the pros and cons of this feature


More Then Just Leftovers

Comments, White-space, Special characters, Version Information and Parser by-passing content; we discuss what these constructs are and how to use them effectively


XML Validation

XML documents should be well formed structure- and content-wise for applications to be configured and behave properly. We discuss an analogy with a real life scenario to highlight the point


E4X – ActionScript 3.0

We describe the importance and beneficial features of E4X library, and why it should be used in browsers at the earliest



An XML document is often pictured as an inverted nodes (elements) tree and connected nodes have a relation between them. DOM allows the program to traverse and retrieve these related nodes.



We describe the basic syntax of Javascript to load XML documents in client-side applications


Looping XML

We describe the looping constructs of PHP scripting language and how they can be used to parse and render XML information in client software


XML as a Remote

We describe the utility of XML for the modern web, especially when there's a plethora of programming languages and platforms and how XML builds several bridges


Loading XML in PHP

We describe how to load XML documents into server side applications in the PHP scripting language


Elements and Attributes in PHP

We describe how to access elements and attribute values while processing XML content via PHP scripts in server-side software



We describe the foreach looping construct in PHP and also how it can be used to process XML documents in server-side software


PHP XML compare

We describe how to compare XML document components and content in different documents having the same syntax


Modifying XML

We describe how to modify the content of XML documents in PHP : insertion/deletion/update operations in server-side applications
