02Geek HTML5 and JavaScript, TypeScript, React, Flash, ActionScript online School
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Using an Animation library

<p>So far we created all our animations on our own without the help of any external library. Although we used jQuery we ignored the fact that jQuery has a few very helpful animation methods within. In this lecture we will learn the foundations of good animation and see it in action using the jQuery library animations. </p><h2>Keynotes:</h2><ul><li> Moving to animation libraries. </li><li> The fundamentals of good animations. </li><li> Fading in our document. </li></ul>

Dynamic visualization with JavaScript and jQuery

In this lecture we will test to see the time of day and based on it change our CSS to create a darker or lighter background based on if its day time or night.


Creating a typewriter effect

In this lecture we will learn how to create a very simple and cool animation: a type writing effect. We will do it on our main text title.


Animations need order - creating a Que

In this lecture we will start converting our structure to enable us to que content. We will create the basic structure needing to complete this task in the next lecture.


Creating a callback and activating the Que

In the last lecture we started to store animations that where not ready yet to trigger. In this lecture we continue down that path by going into our current animation logic and asking it to update us


Using an Animation library

In this lecture we will learn the foundations of good animation and see it in action using the jQuery library animations.
