02Geek HTML5 and JavaScript, TypeScript, React, Flash, ActionScript online School
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Sticking to our borders

Many developers get confused when it comes to the difference between outline and borders in CSS. They do look alike and do almost the same thing. In this lecture we will learn about the difference between them. In the last lesson we learnt how to work with outlines so why there are separate rules for outlines and borders? By the end of this lecture, you will know the difference between outlines and boarders and how to implement them in CSS.

Defining opacity levels

At this stage we are ready to take a look at controlling the opacity of elements.


Adding Outlines to shapes

By the end of this lesson, you will know how to define CSS outlines to shapes.


Sticking to our borders

By the end of this lecture, you will know the difference between outlines and boarders and how to implement them in CSS.


Talking to one line at a time

In this lesson we go deeper into defining CSS border rules as we discover how we can manipulate one border line at a time.
