02Geek HTML5 and JavaScript, TypeScript, React, Flash, ActionScript online School
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Completing the slideshow

Throughout this chapter we were working on our slideshow, but we have a few remaining elements we need to complete. By the end of the lesson, you we will have a fully working completed slideshow.

The slideshow project

This whole chapter is dedicated to practicing the skills we developed throughout the last few chapters.


Creating a slideshow

By the end of this lesson you Will have a fully operational slideshow. In the process we will discover the this command.


Turning our slideshow to an OOP one

In the end of this lesson we will have a similar slideshow only one that is an object.


Making our slideshow more dynamic

In this lesson we revert back and update this logic by removing those labels and making our slideshow capable of running unlimited slides.


Using the GSAP TextPlugin

The TextPlugin Tweens the text content of a DOM element.


Taking the TextPlugin for a spin

In this lesson I wanted to show you how do you create custom animation and interactivity that is layered into the plug-in.


Completing the slideshow

By the end of the session lesson you we will have a fully working completed slideshow.
