02Geek HTML5 and JavaScript, TypeScript, React, Flash, ActionScript online School
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Everything we know intertwined

As always, we learn something new and then we integrate it. In this lesson, we continue the journey into creating our analyze Application. We're getting really close. In this lesson, we'll dive deeper into user interaction. We'll create and analyze what the user is doing, and based on it, change the application.

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A raise for arrays

Arrays in objects have a lot of commonalities and differences. In this chapter we dive deeper into arrays.


Animated Like Elton John

We start off by creating an animation, a cluster of animations that are very specific, With defined names, defined times, defined delays and so forth.


Excuse me, how wide are you?

For us to be a able take the next step as developers we need to create code that is more reusable.


Objects as associative arrays

Objects have a hidden feature within them. Not only are they a wonderful bucket for many things they can be used as a reference for elements.


24 minutes of doing

A practice session to rehearse functions, objects, associative arrays, and other topics.


Objects away, it's time to array

Arrays are objects that index information. They're linear.


The answer is recursive

Throughout the last two chapters we've been practicing recursive functions. This is one of the most cool and last known skills many developers just don't have.


Knowing what the user is doing

In this lecture and onwards we move in face the user and start interacting with them. By the end of this lesson you'll have ample experience with events and user interactions.


Everything we know intertwined

n this lesson we continue the journey into creating our analyze Application.


Wrapping things up

Finishing chapter 6 with a big bang.
