02Geek HTML5 and JavaScript, TypeScript, React, Flash, ActionScript online School
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What Is A Loop?

A loop is a series of commands that will continue to repeat over and over again until a condition is met. Is that all a loop is good for? Not at all but it is nice not needing to repeat something over and over, loops are a really powerful tool that enables us to cut down our code drastically and if we use it smartly can even improve the readability and overall lightness of our application but alas as every good thing there are many easy ways to fall into using loops for the wrong reasons. Lets start with understanding what loops are and then lets see how we can use them to improve our code.



What Is A Loop?


The For Loop Syntax

Learn how to use the for loop. In this session we will learn what loops are and how to get them to work in our program.


Loop To Repeat An Action


Loops To Find Something


Deeper Look At The For Syntax

For loops are very flexible even though most of the time we will try to stick to the standard way of looping that we learned in working with for loops.
