The Text Project(AS3)
Duration: 50:08

Created with

Ben Fhala
Ben Fhala is the creative force and founder behind 02geek, a pioneering platform dedicated to making web development accessible to everyone. With over 18 years of experience in the industry, Ben has a deep passion for teaching and a knack for breaking down complex concepts into easy-to-understand lessons.
The Text Project(AS3) Overview
What you'll learn
This chapter is a fun and challenging one where we create a really complicated project together throughout the next hour. This chapter's main focus is not learning new things about learning new ways to do things. We will take everything we've learned so far and push it to the edge to create are reusable custom animation engine double animate any text. By the end of this chapter you will have completed a sophisticated text animator.
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Enroll Now for Free!The project goal
In this lecture, we will talk about the goals and outcomes of this chapter.
The breakup
By the end of this lesson, we will break our text apart and re-position it to sit in the exact same spot as we had it before.
Creating a plugin
In this lecture, I will introduce you to the concept of creating plugins and how to get them working. We will use this to improve our logic.
Staggering our animations with two timelines
In this lesson, we will create a staggering animation and break apart our animations into two separate timelines.
Adding callbacks at any point in a timeline
In this lesson, we'll explore the call method which enables us to trigger a callback at specific point in time.
Aligning stacked animations
In this lesson, we will explore how to change the way items are stacked against the timeline when added together using the align property.
Animating timelines
n this lesson, we will see how to animate the timeline itself.
A quick scan of all the other functions
This lesson will wrap up this chapter and project.
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