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Creating a new User and Password on Linux

One of the first rules in any linux manual is a request not to work with the root user. As such we want to create a new user with the same powers as the root leaving us a way to log into our root in the future if we need (as an emergency user). As such we want to create a new user. In this session we will use two linux commands the passwd and the adduser to create a new user and give them a good password to keep our user safer from hackers.

Cloud Hosting Intro


How to Connect to your Server on Windows(via Putty SSH)

The way you connect to a linux server on windows and mac are different. Although both are through SSH you need to use different tools. While Mac comes with a built in SSH in its terminal on windows we


Connecting to SSH with the Mac Terminal

In this video session we will explore the steps involved in using the Mac Terminal to connect to our server.


Creating a new User and Password on Linux

We want to create a new linux user. In this session we will use two linux commands the passwd and the adduser to create a new user and give them a good password to keep our user safer from hackers.


How to remove an unwanted linux user

Every user that you add your not only adding a user but your adding a new folder just like users on your desktop that contain information on the user and files that the user stored (such as the files


Understanding and Using Access Levels

A new user by default can only access there own files. We want to be able to define higher level of access to our user do do that we will enter the visudu file


Defining Access using Linux Groups

The first step of deigning the access level of a group is very similar to the way we did it in the last lesson using visudu (we will see it in the video above). Followed by adding the user into the gr


What are Access Levels on Linux

This session is dedicated to really understanding what the access levels we talked about throughout the last few lessons. It isn't mandatory but I strongly suggest you watch it as it will empower you


Creating and Managing Groups

In this session we want to focus on creating a new group as we connect the dots with all the other commands we learned in the last few lessons.


Powerful Linux ways to control users

Not every user on linux is equal and many times you would want to create a user but not only limit there access but maybe freeze there account or define for how long will there account be active.
