02Geek HTML5 and JavaScript, TypeScript, React, Flash, ActionScript online School
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FireBug: Making your Site run Faster

<p>Speed is the name of the game. In the last lesson we talked about the size of the files and the amount of the files and how they effect your overall user experience but on top of these basic updates there are tools that help you and guide you through updates that are recommended to improve your site speed. We will look into it in this session. Some of you asked me why are you talking about page speed when this is a course about SEO? The answer is simple a faster site is a site that more users enjoy using and in return it means more organic traffic. Imagine you had great content just like your pears but the only difference is that your page is really slow while there site runs quickly. As such it is really important to improve the speed of your site the faster the better. In this lesson we answer the question what is the best speed score we can get?</p>

FireBug: Looking into the Source Files

It's a great practice to get used to working with this tool as it will empower you to create better pages.


FireBug: The Net Tab

We talk about file sizes and why it is important to try to lower the amount of files you load and the size of them as well.


FireBug: Making your Site run Faster

it is really important to improve the speed of your site the faster the better. In this lesson we answer the question what is the best speed score we can get


Think of SEO as a SalesForce

Your SEO is your hidden Sales force. Don't treat it as a way to push users into your site but use it as a means to build up users.


A basic intro to FTP

In our break we got our developer to update the files to fix our issues with our design.
