02Geek HTML5 and JavaScript, TypeScript, React, Flash, ActionScript online School
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It's time to upload the APK file

So we are going to go back into the browser and move into the publish an Android menu option(it looks like the android monster). There we will start a new application and set its initial configurations. In our case we will be uploading our application as an alpha application and upload it as a invisible application that would only be visible to who ever is one of our invited testers. By the way if you want to become one of our testers just send me an email.

Creating a Google Play Account

We picked the google play store as our first example as its the cheapest while IOS and Amazon are a lot higher currently then the one time fee Google requests.


Setting up a Google Profile

Once we are done paying our credit card bill we are ready to start filling up our developer information. In this video we talk a bit about it and fill up the form.


Finalizing our application to be released onto the Google Play Storee

We set up our real certificate and change the configurations of our application to publish out as a Device release instead of a Debug release.


It's time to upload the APK file

So we are going to go back into the browser and move into the publish an Android menu option


Setting up a Google group or Google Plus hangout

etting up a Google group or Google Plus hangout to enable alpha/beta testers.


The Google Group

So in the last video I created a new Google group and in this one I'll continue and start managing the group and start inviting members into this group.


Integrating the Google group into our alpha group

how to add a user groups for our Mobile Android AIR application.


Filling up the store listing information

We start by building our listing in English but you can add it into any language and multiple languages as well. We will fill up our basic copy together. By the end of this video we will concur all th


Configuring the price and distribution

We configure together our free application and as our application is multi lingual we can hit many markets.


We are live!

That's almost it. Let's click on that publish button!


We are really live!

Last video we kinda where live but not really so in this video we will show you the final steps involved in getting your users actually into your application.


Final words and wrapping up

Taking last few peaks at our application and say goodbye. Until our next title thanks for watching. Don't forget to peak at our catalog to find other titles that might trigger your interest.
