02Geek HTML5 and JavaScript, TypeScript, React, Flash, ActionScript online School
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What are HTML Attributes

<p><b>Attributes:</b> what are they and how to work with them in HTML.<p> <p> In this video we take a step back from creating real HTML files to talk about what attributes are and mainly what are there relationship to regular tags. Tags can have attributes. The attributes help define extra information that isn't part of the default settings of a tag. In the example of images the image tag is called the IMG tag. How could we let the image know what image it should load, how big should it be and so forth. The way we solve this problem is by setting attributes. Don't worry in this video we explain how it works and in the following video we will see it in action. </p>

Overview of Working with Images

A site without an image is like a cat without fur... That's just sad. So let's add your pictures of your cat into your site and make the world a better place.


What are HTML Attributes

Tags can have attributes. The attributes help define extra information that isn't part of the default settings of a tag.


Working with The IMG Tag

By the end of this video you will know how to add new images.


Creating Alternative Text - The ALT Tag

alternative text for images enables us to create copy that helps search engines and visually impaired users understand the meaning of our images.


Defining HTML Image Width and Height

Although we don't recommend changing image sizes dynamically as it lowers the quality of your image or adds extra loading time that isn't needed lets talk about it a bit...


Loading Images in Different Folders

Paths are paths in a computer or in real life.


Calling images in Parent Folder

there is a way to approach images that are not in the same folder but are in a folder


Discovering Absulute HTML Paths

every thing on the web has an address.


Loading Images from other Servers

In this video we will take an example file form our site and use it and load it into our HTML document.



alternative text for images enables us to create copy that helps search engines and visually impaired users understand the meaning of our images.
