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Developing in ES2016 Today with Babel

Tutorial: Developing in ES2016 Today with Babel

In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to configure Babel and Webpack to start developing with modern JavaScript (ES6/ES2015) features while ensuring compatibility with older browsers. Babel acts as a transpiler, converting your ES6+ code into ES5 for seamless execution in all environments.

What You Will Learn

  1. Setting up Babel with the ES2015 preset.
  2. Configuring Webpack to use Babel for JavaScript files.
  3. Exploring new ES6 features like template literals and default parameters.

Configuring Babel and Webpack

  1. Install Required Packages
    In your project directory, install Babel and Webpack dependencies:

    npm install --save-dev @babel/preset-env babel-loader webpack webpack-cli
    • @babel/preset-env: Converts ES6+ to ES5.
    • babel-loader: Integrates Babel with Webpack.
  2. Update Webpack Configuration
    Edit webpack.config.js to configure Babel:

    module.exports = {
      module: {
        rules: [
            test: /\.js$/, // Apply Babel to all .js files
            exclude: /node_modules/, // Exclude dependencies
            use: {
              loader: 'babel-loader',
              options: {
                presets: ['@babel/preset-env'], // Use the ES2015 preset
                cacheDirectory: true // Cache for faster builds
  3. Verify Babel Installation
    Ensure .babelrc or babel.config.json exists with the following configuration:

      "presets": ["@babel/preset-env"]
  4. Restart Webpack Development Server
    After saving your configurations, restart your development server:

    npm start

Exploring ES6 Features

1. Default Parameters

Default values for function parameters simplify code:

function greet(from = "Webpack", to = "You") {
  console.log(`Hello from ${from} to ${to}`);
greet(); // Output: Hello from Webpack to You
greet("Babel", "React"); // Output: Hello from Babel to React

2. Template Literals

Use backticks for multiline strings and embedded expressions:

const user = "Developer";
console.log(`Welcome, ${user}!`); // Output: Welcome, Developer!

3. Arrow Functions

Simplify function expressions:

const add = (a, b) => a + b;
console.log(add(2, 3)); // Output: 5

4. Let and Const

Declare block-scoped variables:

let count = 0;
const MAX_COUNT = 10;

Testing the Setup

After restarting the Webpack server, test the new features in your JavaScript files. Babel automatically transpiles the ES6 code to ES5.

  • Check the browser's developer tools to confirm the output.
  • Verify compatibility by inspecting the generated ES5 code in the Webpack bundle.


In this tutorial, you configured Babel and Webpack to enable modern JavaScript development. You explored essential ES6 features and learned how Babel ensures compatibility with older browsers by transpiling code.

Continue learning advanced features and building modern web applications in the next lesson!

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Developing in ES2016 Today with Babel

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