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Dynamically Building a Board Component in React

Tutorial: Dynamically Building a Board Component in React

In this tutorial, we'll walk through how to dynamically create a board component in React. We'll be using a combination of JSX, React components, and CSS styling to achieve a structured board. By the end of this tutorial, you'll understand how to build out a dynamic grid-like board, apply CSS for styling, and update component states effectively.

Step 1: Setting Up Your Components

The first step in creating our dynamic board is to set up the necessary components in React. We'll start by creating the following files:

  • Board.js
  • Board.css

To do this, navigate to your components folder and create Board.js for the board logic and Board.css for the corresponding styling. Following the conventions used in Create React App, make sure both files are properly structured.

Step 2: Initializing the Board Component

Inside Board.js, start by importing the necessary React libraries and styles.

import React from 'react';
import './Board.css';

We then create a presentational component that renders the board. Initially, you can copy the content from an existing component like Counter and adjust it accordingly.

For example, here's a simple version of the Board component that serves as a starting point:

const Board = () => {
  return (
    <div className="board">
      This is the board.

export default Board;

Next, update App.js to import and use the Board component. This will add our board component to the app's presentational layer.

Step 3: Adding Dynamic Logic to the Board

We want to dynamically create the board using values for width and height that come from props. To do that, let's add some logic to the Board component to calculate and render rows and columns.

First, extract the width and height values from props and create empty arrays to represent rows and boxes:

const Board = ({ counters }) => {
  const width = counters[0] || 0;
  const height = counters[1] || 0;

  let lines = [];

  for (let i = 0; i < height; i++) {
    let boxes = [];
    for (let j = 0; j < width; j++) {
        <div className="board-box" key={`box-${i}-${j}`}></div>
      <div className="board-line" key={`line-${i}`}>{boxes}</div>

  return (
    <div className="board">

In this code, we're iterating over height and width to generate each row (board-line) and each cell (board-box). Each box is assigned a unique key to ensure React can correctly handle re-renders.

Step 4: Styling the Board Component

Now that the board component is rendering, we need to add CSS styling to make it look like a board. Open Board.css and add styles for .board, .board-line, and .board-box.

Here's an example:

.board {
  display: inline-block;
  background-color: gray;

.board-line {
  display: flex;

.board-box {
  width: 50px;
  height: 50px;
  display: inline-block;
  background-color: red;
  border: 1px solid black;

The .board class is used to define the board container, while .board-line ensures that each row is displayed horizontally. The .board-box class creates individual cells within the board, setting dimensions and background color.

Step 5: Integrating with Application State

To make the board dynamic, integrate it with your application's state. Pass the counters prop to the Board component from the app's state, allowing changes to width and height to automatically reflect in the rendered board.

Update App.js to dispatch the necessary props to Board:

<Board counters={store.getState().counters} />

Step 6: Testing Your Component

Make sure everything is wired up correctly by running your application. As you modify the counters that determine the board's width and height, the Board component should update accordingly. You can add console logs or debugging tools to ensure all props and state changes are properly handled.

If you run into issues like CSS not being applied or elements not showing, double-check your imports and ensure the CSS file is correctly linked to Board.js.

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