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Dispatching Actions and Updating React

Dispatching Actions and Updating React

In this tutorial, we will explore the process of dispatching actions in Redux and updating React accordingly. We will go step by step through the different phases of this process, including rendering data and subscribing to store changes. By the end of this tutorial, you will have a clear understanding of how to manage application state effectively and keep your React UI in sync with Redux.


Redux is a powerful state management tool commonly used with React. It allows you to centralize your application's state and easily manage how data flows through different parts of your app. Dispatching actions is a fundamental concept in Redux that helps in updating the state, which is then reflected in the React components.

In this tutorial, we will:

  1. Understand what actions are and how they are used in Redux.
  2. Learn how to dispatch actions to modify the store.
  3. Connect Redux and React to keep the UI in sync with state changes.
  4. Explore how React can subscribe to Redux store changes to ensure updates are reflected in the UI.

Step 1: Understanding Actions and Dispatch

What Are Actions?

Actions in Redux are plain JavaScript objects that describe an event that has occurred. They are the only source of information for the store. An action must have a type property that tells the reducer how to interpret the action and optionally, some payload data that specifies what needs to be done.

For example:

const incrementAction = {
    type: 'INCREMENT'

How to Dispatch Actions

Dispatching an action means sending it to the Redux store, which then updates the state accordingly. You can dispatch actions by using the dispatch() method provided by Redux.

Here's an example of dispatching an action:


In this example, the incrementAction is dispatched, and the Redux store will handle it according to the reducer logic.

Step 2: Connecting Redux to React

To make Redux interact seamlessly with React, we need to ensure that React components can send actions to the Redux store and access the updated state.

Setting Up the Store

First, create a Redux store that will hold the state of your application. You can use createStore() to create the store and provide a reducer function:

import { createStore } from 'redux';

const initialState = {
    count: 0

const reducer = (state = initialState, action) => {
    switch (action.type) {
        case 'INCREMENT':
            return { ...state, count: state.count + 1 };
        case 'DECREMENT':
            return { ...state, count: state.count - 1 };
            return state;

const store = createStore(reducer);

Connecting React and Redux with Provider

To connect React with Redux, use the Provider component from react-redux. This component makes the Redux store available to all components within your app.

import React from 'react';
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
import { Provider } from 'react-redux';
import store from './store';
import App from './App';

    <Provider store={store}>
        <App />

Step 3: Rendering Redux State in React Components

Once the store is connected to the app, components can access the state using the useSelector hook from react-redux.

Using useSelector

The useSelector hook allows components to read values from the Redux store:

import React from 'react';
import { useSelector } from 'react-redux';

const Counter = () => {
    const count = useSelector((state) => state.count);
    return (
            <h1>Count: {count}</h1>

export default Counter;

Step 4: Dispatching Actions from React Components

To update the state from a React component, you need to dispatch actions. This is done using the useDispatch hook.

Using useDispatch

The useDispatch hook provides access to the dispatch function, allowing you to send actions to the Redux store:

import React from 'react';
import { useDispatch } from 'react-redux';

const Controls = () => {
    const dispatch = useDispatch();

    const handleIncrement = () => {
        dispatch({ type: 'INCREMENT' });

    const handleDecrement = () => {
        dispatch({ type: 'DECREMENT' });

    return (
            <button onClick={handleIncrement}>+</button>
            <button onClick={handleDecrement}>-</button>

export default Controls;

Step 5: Subscribing to Store Changes

By default, when the Redux store changes, the connected React components will re-render. However, sometimes you need to subscribe explicitly to see how changes are reflected in the UI.

To achieve this, you can use the subscribe method on the Redux store, though this is generally managed by the Provider component.

Here's a simplified example of using subscribe to re-render manually:

const render = () => {


This will log the current state to the console whenever it changes.


In this tutorial, we covered how to dispatch actions and update React using Redux. We walked through the basics of setting up Redux, dispatching actions, connecting it with React, and managing subscriptions to reflect changes.

This workflow ensures that your React components always have access to the latest state from Redux, which helps maintain predictable and consistent behavior throughout your application.

In the next tutorial, we'll dive into more advanced concepts, such as middleware and asynchronous actions, to extend the capabilities of your Redux store. Stay tuned and keep building!

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