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Working with the React state

Working with the React State: A Foundation for Understanding Redux

Before diving into Redux, it's crucial to understand the React state and its limitations. In this lecture, we revisit how to work with state in React, providing a foundation for understanding why and when it's beneficial to shift towards a more advanced state management solution like Redux. This recap aims to solidify your knowledge of managing local component state in React and set the stage for introducing more sophisticated state solutions in subsequent lessons.

What is React State?

React state is a built-in feature that allows components to manage and react to dynamic data. It is one of the core concepts of React that helps components keep track of changing information. State is particularly important when dealing with data that changes over time, such as user inputs, fetched data, or the results of user interactions with the UI.

In this lecture, we enhance our Counter component by introducing state to keep track of the count. By using state, the counter value can dynamically update when users click on the + or - buttons.

Setting Up State in React

To create a React component with state, we need to use the constructor method to initialize state. The constructor is a special method that gets called when an instance of the class is created. The state is defined as an object, and each key-value pair in this object represents a piece of data that the component will manage.

Here's how the Counter component is updated to include state:

import React, { Component } from 'react';

class Counter extends Component {
  constructor(props) {
    this.state = {
      counter: 0

  render() {
    return (
        <button onClick={this.stepUp}>+</button>
        <button onClick={this.stepDown}>-</button>

export default Counter;

Breaking Down the Key Elements

  1. Constructor and State Initialization: The constructor is where the initial state is defined. In this example, the state has a single property, counter, with an initial value of 0.

  2. Accessing State in the Render Method: The value of the counter is accessed in the render() method using this.state.counter. By wrapping this.state.counter in curly braces ({}), we insert the dynamic value directly into the JSX to be displayed in the browser.

  3. Event Handlers for State Changes: We define two methods, stepUp and stepDown, to handle incrementing and decrementing the counter value. The onClick event handler is added to the buttons, allowing them to modify the state when clicked.

Updating State in React

React provides a method called setState() for updating the state. This method ensures that the component re-renders whenever the state changes, allowing the UI to stay in sync with the data. Below is an example of how to update the state in the stepUp and stepDown methods:

stepUp = () => {
  this.setState({ counter: this.state.counter + 1 });

stepDown = () => {
  this.setState({ counter: this.state.counter - 1 });

Handling Scope Issues in Event Handlers

When using event handlers in React, developers often encounter issues with the this keyword, particularly with class components. In JavaScript, the value of this can change based on the context in which a function is called. To ensure that this refers to the component instance, we use .bind() or arrow functions.

In the constructor, we bind the stepUp and stepDown methods like so:

this.stepUp = this.stepUp.bind(this);
this.stepDown = this.stepDown.bind(this);

Alternatively, we can define these methods as arrow functions, which automatically bind this to the component:

stepUp = () => {
  this.setState({ counter: this.state.counter + 1 });

Limitations of React State

While the React state is a powerful tool, it has limitations, especially when building larger applications where multiple components need to share or access the same data. In such cases, passing state down through props can become cumbersome, leading to issues like prop drilling, where data has to be passed through multiple levels of components that do not directly need it.

In this lecture, we highlight the challenges of relying solely on local component state:

  • Scalability: As your application grows, managing state locally within each component becomes complex. It becomes increasingly difficult to keep track of the flow of data.
  • Data Consistency: When multiple components need access to the same piece of state, managing that data in a consistent manner becomes challenging.
  • Prop Drilling: Passing state down through multiple levels of components leads to tightly coupled components, making the code harder to manage and maintain.

These limitations are what drive us to look for better state management solutions, such as Redux, which we'll introduce in the next section.

Preparing for Redux

The goal of understanding the React state is to set the stage for exploring how Redux can alleviate many of the limitations we encounter with local component state. Redux provides a predictable, centralized way to manage state across your entire application, making it easier to manage and debug complex data flows.

In the upcoming lectures, we'll discuss how to integrate Redux, creating a more scalable and maintainable state management solution for our applications.


In this lecture, we covered the fundamentals of working with React state and how to set up and modify state within a component. We explored using event handlers, managing scope, and the limitations of local state management. Understanding these limitations will help you appreciate the advantages of more sophisticated state management tools like Redux.

Stay tuned for the next lecture, where we will dive into Redux and learn how to use it to manage state in a more organized and efficient way. This will help take your React applications to the next level, enabling you to build more complex and scalable projects.

Happy coding!

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