02Geek HTML5 and JavaScript, TypeScript, React, Flash, ActionScript online School
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Preparing our JavaScript for Canvas

<p>Although most modern browsers support Canvas not all of them do. While we won't create an optimal experience for users without HTML5 canvas support we want to create a graceful fallback experience. So before we start our journey into canvas in this lecture we will prepare our source files to accommodate failure. </p><h2>Keynotes:</h2><ul><li> The basics of browser compatibility tests</li><li> Creating a canvas fallback</li><li> Working with the ternary operator</li></ul>

Preparing our JavaScript for Canvas

in this lecture we will prepare our source files to accommodate failure.


Canvas Hello World

We start our canvas journey creating a simple rectangle in the process we will learn how to define the canvas size, how to define a fill style and how to fill it up using the fillRect method.


The Palau flag and the perfect circle

By the end of this lecture will will have the complete flag of Palau and will create a perfect arc - more commonly known as a circle.


Creating Canvas elements dynamically

This is the last DOM specific lecture in this title as from here on words we will be deep into the world of the canvas API.
