02Geek HTML5 and JavaScript, TypeScript, React, Flash, ActionScript online School
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The proxy design pattern is when one function/object behaves as if it is another one. There are many usages of it mainly when it comes to security, tracking when we want to have information go through a funnel so we can control it, influence it or monitor it. In javascript the most common implementation of the proxy design pattern is when it comes to keeping scope of functions. In this lecture we will create a proxy fixer for the issues of losing scope in javascript.


- Reduce memory usage in large objects. - Reduce size of multiply used objects. - by extracting/reducing properties and methods.



- Simplified Interface to reduce API footprint. - Great way to remove API elements you want to protect. - Helps you control application features/access.


Getting things working again

- Facade Broke it. - We need to create a way to un-facade. - Let's get to it.



- Bridge vs. Adapter - Adapter is created after the fact. - Bridge is created while creating the classes.



- When a function/object behaves as if it is another one. - Proxy's control, influence or monitor. - They are gateways to the real objects.
