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Composite Design Pattern

The composite design pattern enables us to control multiple elements at the same time (that have the same public API. This is very useful in situations when we need to control a large amount of items and want to have them react together to an action.


- Abstraction is key to making flexible designs. - Not everything needs to be planed in advance. - Modularly updating components to fit changes.


Adapter Design Pattern

- You need to keep an object with the same interface. - But, a library component demands a different interface. - or the object is missing a methods in it's API.


Composite Design Pattern

- Multiple objects with the same API. - When you need to control all at the same time. - Ideal in recursive elements that are %u201Cchained%u201D to each other.


Decorator Design Pattern

- Adding features to specific items. - Without creating a subclass. - Or changing the original interface/constructor.
