02Geek HTML5 and JavaScript, TypeScript, React, Flash, ActionScript online School
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The problem with the global scope

Before we can confront the actual problem in the global scope we need to first build out the core application that is going to be used throughout this chapter. In this lecture we are going to be working in the global scope developing a sudo chat application between the user and the computer. By the end of this lesson, we will have a built application that has some issues that call for a design pattern to rescue us.

What are design patterns?

A design pattern is a solution to a common programing problem in software design.


The problem with the global scope

By the end of this lesson, we will have a built application that has some issues that call for a design pattern to rescue us.


Moving to one object and namespace

In this lesson, we will condense our code into an object and move it into a unique namespace protecting it from mistaken overrides.


The Module Design Pattern

The Module Design Pattern enables us to have a separation between our private and public API %u2013 protecting the code from external resources.


The Module Reveal Pattern

While the Module design pattern was very powerful it had a few limitations and they related mainly to the fact that we had to treat the public and private members differently. The Module Reveal Patter


Controlling the global access completely

our goal in this lesson is to remove access all together to the global scope.
