02Geek HTML5 and JavaScript, TypeScript, React, Flash, ActionScript online School
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Using The AutoAlphaPlugin

When animating, many times you will animate an element to a zero visibility. In Adobe flash, elements that are not visible are still being rendered and the only way to stop the rendering is by removing it from the stage or setting visibility to false. The AutoAlphaPlugin helps reduce the stress on your display engine as it automatically sets the visibility of the item to false when it's not visible. In this lecture we will explore the AutoAlphaPlugin.

Tinting with our first plug-in

In this in lesson, we will see how to activate the TintPlugin and see how we can use it to recolor elements on the stage.


Using The AutoAlphaPlugin

In this lecture we will explore the AutoAlphaPlugin.


Things are getting Blurry (BlurPlugin)

In this chapter we're reviewing different plug-ins of the TweenLite Library. In this lesson, we are taking a deep look into the BlurPlugin.


Animating sound

In this lecture, we're going to take a look at how can we animate sound, opening the door to animating things that are not visual.


Creating deeper sound controls

In the last lecture, we started to create animations with sound and by the end of this lesson, you will have created a really cool sound animation project.
