02Geek HTML5 and JavaScript, TypeScript, React, Flash, ActionScript online School
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Invalidating animations after you make a change

As you start to create more and more complex animations, you might want to change the origin of a property that is in the animation. In other words, you might want to change the vars that define the animations positions. In a case such as this one, you will want to refresh the logic inside of the animation and to do that, you will use the method invalidate. In this lesson, we will learn how and when to use the invalidate method.

Overwriting animations in TweenLite

In this lecture, we will see how the overriding mechanism works in TweenLite.


Creating a yo-yo effect in TweenLite

In this lesson, we will create our own yo-yo animation in TweenLite.


Toggling the play state in TweenLite

In this lesson, we will learn how to stop, pause and play animations and even create a toggle control button.


Toggling the direction of the animation

In this lesson, we will create a toggle button that will change the current direction of our animation.


Scrubbing animations

In this lesson, we will introduce this concept and see it in action as we jump in using the seek command.


seek(), time() and progress()

In this lecture, we will add to our tools bit of controlling animations with the progress method.


FromTo Animations

In this lesson, we'll explore how to work with the fromTo method.


Invalidating animations after you make a change

In this lesson, we will learn how and when to use the invalidate method.


It's about time we talk about time

In this lesson, we will explore the various time related methods in TweenLite.
