02Geek HTML5 and JavaScript, TypeScript, React, Flash, ActionScript online School
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Delaying without adding animations

You might encounter a scenario where you'd like to add a delay into your timeline without actually triggering any animation. To do this, you could use TimelineLite to trigger events and functions that are correlated to time that are not animating. In this lesson we will discover how to add delays without adding an animation by using the call method.

Adding tweens

By the end of this lesson you will know all the ways to stack animations, Functions, property changes in a timeline.


Clipping images

In this lesson we will set up our JavaScript stage by adding eight images of Bella the dog and cropping each Image to show only a partial Area of the image using CSS clip property.


From and to the timeline

In this lesson we will explore the to, from,toFrom methods of the TimeineLite library.


Setting properties

In this lesson we will discover set method of GSAP timelines.


Yes, I'm calling you

In this lesson I will introduce to you the call method which enables you to trigger functions at specific points in your timeline.


Staggering functions

In this lesson we will learn how to work with the staggered functions to animate a pile of things together using the methods: staggerFrom, staggerTo & staggerFromTo.


Delaying without adding animations

In this lesson we will discover how to add delays without adding an animation using the call method.


The constructor data object

In this lesson we will connect the dots by taking a look at the data object properties that enable us to send in an array of tweens, stagger them and even changed their alignment like in the ad method


Making things look better

In this lesson we wrap-up the topic of adding animations into timelines.
