It's your birth date
Objects, they're not new to us anymore. As we discovered in the last few chapters, functions, numbers, strings and Boolean Data types are at the heart of JavaScript and Objects are an extension of these basic building blocks. In this lecture we continue to explore and manipulate the Date object. We will use the Date object to calculate the seconds since our birth.
Movings from Functions to Objects
Moving from functions of the world of objects.
Don't object, it's only an object
What are objects? How do we work with them? And how do we integrate them in JavaScript. That is today's topic.
Charge your phone, we're going on a date.
There is no better way to understand how to extend by practice. In this lesson we explore the date object.
It's your birth date
In this lesson we learn how to use the map operators in the process of creating a timer.
Playing with cats, functions and objects
Practice makes perfect. In this lesson we practice the usage of functions and objects.
Creating a timer
Everything is ready all that's left is to animate. In this lecture that's exactly what we're going to do.