02Geek HTML5 and JavaScript, TypeScript, React, Flash, ActionScript online School
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Leveraging CSS selectors in JavaScript

Traditional JavaScript developers had to work directly with the HTML DOM (Document Object Model). Lucky for us modern developers, we don't need to deal with this complicated structure (Although in the background it's exactly how it works). With modern libraries we can avoid interacting directly with this relatively complicated concept. Instead we're going to leverage the simplicity of CSS selectors to select documents elements. Both jQuery and GSAP come with an CSS Selector engine under the hood. Hopefully by now you've worked with a bit of CSS. The way CSS elements integrate with HTML is through simple selector rules. In this lecture we're going to give you an overview of selectors and how to integrate them into our tweens.

Functions Functions and some Functions

A Boolean variable can contain only one of two values[true, False]. It's main use is to create a flag in the road.


Understanding functions and parameters

dive deeper into functions and really understand how they function. The first step is to understand the difference between variables and functions.


Leveraging CSS selectors in JavaScript

learn how to use CSS selectors in JavaScript.


Creating our own functions

learn how to create JavaScript functions


Functions Galore

From this lecture on words for the remainder of the chapter we will be pushing our functions to their limit as we create awesome animations.


Creating a Slide Show

continue exploring the world of functions as we complete creating our slide show. In the process were going to create our first function parameter. This is going to be fun.


Setting default parameter values

Sending default values to functions in JavaScript.


Real functions phone home

Functions that return of value are called functions well functions that don't are called procedures.


Our first event

Events are functions that trigger that we didn't initiate but the user or the system did
