02Geek HTML5 and JavaScript, TypeScript, React, Flash, ActionScript online School

Buiding FillIt - The Game Part 3

We complete a circle in this hour getting our game closer to being operational.

Duration: 47:56

Dependency warningThis course builds on concepts from Buiding FillIt - The Game Part 1.
Advanced Level
Advanced Level
Medium-paced Course
Medium-paced Course

Created with

Ben Fhala

Ben Fhala

Ben Fhala is the creative force and founder behind 02geek, a pioneering platform dedicated to making web development accessible to everyone. With over 18 years of experience in the industry, Ben has a deep passion for teaching and a knack for breaking down complex concepts into easy-to-understand lessons.

Buiding FillIt - The Game Part 3 Overview

What you'll learn

In this chapter we take our game to the next step by building a powerful logic that will know all the corners in our application.

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All Dots Aboard


Condensing Code


Every Line Has an End


Same Line




Finding The Missing Dot




Time for a Break


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