Getting Started with Adobe Air
Duration: 46:20

Created with

Ben Fhala
Ben Fhala is the creative force and founder behind 02geek, a pioneering platform dedicated to making web development accessible to everyone. With over 18 years of experience in the industry, Ben has a deep passion for teaching and a knack for breaking down complex concepts into easy-to-understand lessons.
Getting Started with Adobe Air Overview
What you'll learn
While Apple really wants you to code in C# and Google wants you to develop in Java for Android, Microsoft wants you to develop in .net and blackberry in... you get the point how can one person build in so many languages and more over then that do you really need to start from scratch for each output application?
The answer if you ask these companies respectfully would be yes as they would love to lock you into one language there language. So much so that when Adobe Air was initially released to support iPhone Apple slipped the rug under Adobe's feet and made it illegal to deploy applications using Adobe Air on the early days of iPhone. Well the good news is even Apple realized they can't fight this and Adobe Air is now fully supported on Apple, Blackberry,Android, Televisions, Desktops (mac and pc) and more.
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Enroll Now for Free!Adobe Air : Getting Started Intro
There must be a way to code in one language and output into many formats right? you bet ya, it's called Adobe Air.
What is Adobe Air?
Adobe AIR is a developer's tool for creating platform-independent web applications. Adobe® AIR® is a multi-operating system, multi-screen runtime that allows you to leverage your web development ski
The Adobe Air Workflow
The steps involved in creating an Adobe Air application are simple: Create, Publish and then Deploy. In this video we talk a bit more about this process before we peak at how to do it with Adobe Flash
What programs to use and what will the output be?
Let's talk about software. All the software that you will need is an Adobe Software: Flash Pro/builder or Dreamweaver
The Consistency Factor
Build it once and have it work on 10's of devices without needing to test it on each device.
The Positive and negatives
In this video we compare between the pluses and the negatives of working with Adobe Air.
The ways to install Adobe Air
There are 4 ways to get your end users with the Adobe Runtime so they can run your application. In this video we will talk about all the 4 ways
How to update your Air SDK?
In this video we cover the steps involved updating your SDK version.
Creating an Adobe Air Desktop Application
In this section we will create quickly a very simple application that will be used on the desktop AIR app.
Publishing an Adobe Air Desktop Application
Learn how to publish your desktop Air App and how to create your own self certification.
Publishing an Adobe Air Android Application
It's time for us to review the publishing options for an android application.
Geting Our new Android App into our Phone Part 1
Getting our Application onto our Mobile device.
Geting Our new Android App into our Phone Part 2
Getting our Application onto our Mobile device without using the Adobe Air Captivate.
Debugging our Adobe Air application directly on our Android Device
Last we left off we saw how to create an Android application and even see how we can upload it right into our device. In this video we will see how can we debug our application live and get the debugg
3 Points before moving to iOS
Contrary to desktop development or android development to build applications for the iOS devices you must be a paying member of Apple (how like that of them ;) anyways here is the legal insights befo
Creating an Adobe Air iOS Application
Publishing is harder – not much harder but without an Apple Developer account (that renews on a yearly bases you can't publish applications onto the apple store).
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